We are a community of people who have found salvation in Jesus Christ.
If you want to hear more about what we believe, then click here for more information on our biblically based beliefs.
To become a member, we ask that each member agree to this covenant. If you would like to formalize your membership with this body of believers, contact one of our elders.
Our church covenants with each of its members to provide sanctuary:
A safe and trustworthy place were each can know and be known, serve and be served, love and be loved. Ekklesia and those who lead it will function in accordance with our mission, values, and shared beliefs as we expect each covenant member to do the same.
Each member of Ekklesia willingly enters into covenant with one another to be and do the following:
Having been redeemed by the sufficient gift of Christ’s life and death, as a child of the family of God, I will give my best efforts as a response to grace, to live in the following manner:
- I will pursue a daily relationship with Christ in which he is, at the same time, my great King and great friend. John 14.15, John 15.15
- I will love (act in the best interest of) my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is not in addition to the mission of the church, it is the mission of the church John 15.12.
- By loving Christ and those in my community of faith, I will then be a credible witness of transforming faith in the wider world, encouraging others to find what I have found. Acts 2.42-47
- Further, I intend to speak well of my church and its members, serve well with my gifts – both spiritual and material, and be an active part of the body whenever possible. Hebrews 10.19-25, 1 Corinthians 12.12-27